First day of school

This year is extra tough for me, because it’s all day school. So, this morning, he woke up and had fruit loops and a banana for breakfast and then got dressed in his uniform. We had a slight hiccup when Tillman refused to put his black socks on, but we got through it. We drove to school, were there a few minutes early. I started getting a little teary eyed as we pulled in, so I was glad we were early and I could recoup in the car. We got in, Tillman got in his place, and I hung out for 45 minutes or so. I wasn’t involved with Tillman at all, I was just watching the opening assembly. He lined up with his class and I left once they got in there. I’m sure he is doing great.
in his class waving bye to mama :(lining up to go to classon the wayheading out the door

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